It is common for pet owners to be struck with puppy fever once their dog gets a few years old. While adding a new paw-partner to the family can be an extremely exciting experience, it still requires a lot of preparation to make the transition a success.

For instance, you need to find ways to introduce the new puppy to your older dog. Remember, many adult dogs don’t like puppies, and don’t react well on meeting them for the first time.

However, with the right steps, you can tone things down a little and create a cordial environment for both the pets. To understand this better, let’s take a little help from our dog experts!

What To Do Before You Bring Your New Puppy Home?

1) Adult dogs tend to exhibit territorial behavior. Make sure to keep all his favorite chews and toys away during the introduction meeting.
2) Make two separate spaces for both dogs. Also, don’t forget to buy new crates. This will let them get away from each other when they need some space.
3) Buy both dogs their own dishes, toys, and dog bed, so that they don’t fight over them.

What About The First Meeting?

Remember, for your older dog, your house is his. Any other dog intruding into his territory may invite a harsh reaction from him. To avoid this situation, ensure that their first meeting happens in a neutral place. Place a leash on your older dog while asking someone else to hold the puppy. Let them sniff and get comfortable with each other. Also, don’t forget to stay calm and jolly, as your dog will pick up on your mood and react to it. Keep the entire introduction relatively quick.

Your Puppy Is Home. Now What?

Monitor both dogs continuously for the first two weeks. Make sure that they are slowly interacting with each other and are becoming comfortable in each other’s presence. While you follow the regular routine with your older dog, start establishing a routine for your pup too. This will create a structure for your pup and help you manage the dogs without getting overwhelmed.

Keep an eye on the way they are behaving in front of each other. Your young furball might unintentionally cause discomfort to your older dog with his behavior. Keep this from happening by getting into action the moment you notice one of these signs – raised fur on the back of the neck, prolonged stares, snarling, growling, hunched back, and display of teeth.

Puppy Proofing Is Important!

Anyone who has ever had a puppy would know that they are the epitome of curiosity, dumb bravery, and cute antics. Just like toddlers, they don’t understand what is safe and what is not. That’s why it is important to make your house puppy-proof to prevent any accidents from happening. Here are a few things you can do:
1) Put all the dangerous materials like cleaning supplies away from your pup’s reach.
2) Tie the electrical cords.
3) Store all the knickknacks and valuables on a high shelf or in drawers.
4) Don’t make your shoes your pup’s chew toy. Keep your shoe closet closed.
5) Switch your old trash cans with lidded ones.

A Few Tips To Help You Along!

1) Don’t allow the dogs to fight, ever! Make sure that your older dog is not bullying the puppy.
2) Don’t force them to play or spend time with each other. The key is to let them be!
3) Take the dogs for parallel walking with one person handling each dog. Keep the leash loose to reduce the potential for tension.

So now that you know how to introduce a puppy to an older dog, we hope bringing your pup home will be a smooth affair for you. For any additional help, contact our experts at Dog Day Afternoon. We are certified professionals who can supervise and provide quality training to your pup. Call us at 703-779-1333.

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